

Can I set multiple headers with Siege?

I can specify a list of URLs in the URL file, with custom headers for each URL. But I can't see a way in the docs.

Can't Siege use --header and -

Hello! I want to add Referer header, because the program checks referer. This is success. siege --header=Referer: http://foo/bar http://foo/bar/post POST

How do I use the -

The answer is to use --header=Cookie: --COOKIE_DATA-- (ref.

Increase Header size limit or add Cookie option

Our organization uses cookie session headers that are larger than the current header limit that siege has. Looking at one of our payloads, ...

Siege cheatsheet

One-page guide to Siege: usage, examples, and more. Siege is an HTTP and HTTPS load testing tool ... Siege is an HTTP and HTTPS load testing tool. ... -H, --header= ...

Siege examples · GitHub

siege -t60s -c20 -d10 ''. # Basic auth;. auth=$(echo -n 'username:password' | openssl base64). siege -t60s -c20 -d10 --header ...

Siege HTTP 压力测试

测试50000 个数据包,500 个用户每个用户发送100 个测试包。 header 头填充Cookie 的相关信息,token 和userid。 操作方法:POST. 协议:url: http:// ...

siege(1): HTTPHTTPS stress tester

This option will allow you to separate your log file entries with header information. This is especially useful when testing two different servers. It is not ...


Siege是一个压力测试和评测工具,设计用于WEB开发这评估应用在压力下的承受能力:可以根据配置对一个WEB站点进行多用户的并发访问,记录每个用户所有请求 ...

